Saturday, January 24, 2009

Here is Megan showing off her gingerbread house!! They turned out so cute.
Of course she probably ate more candy than ended up on the house.

Every year the kids get to invite some of their friends over to make gingerbread houses. It is a lot of preparation for me but to see them creating and enjoying themselves with their friends makes it all worth it. This year was Megan's turn. Here they are sipping hot chocolate before feasting on candy--I mean decorating their houses. I overheard many exclamations from the girls that this was the funnest time ever!!!!
Every year the kids get to open two presents on Christmas Eve. Of course Dallin didn't understand and was hoping to open one of his choosing. I'm sure that he will soon learn that this pre-Christmas present opening usually consists of pajamas and an ornament.
Here they are modeling their PJ's.

Bryce hanging his ornament. Our tree is getting quite full after all of these years of ornament giving. My mom started this tradition when I was young and she eventually gave me my ornaments to hang on our family tree. It is neat to show the kids the ones that I received as a child.

Of course no Christmas Eve would be complete without our live Nativity and Christmas program. Dallin really enjoyed the singing and acting out the story of the birth of Jesus. In fact he asked to do it every night.

1 comment:

  1. Daphenie I love your blog! I never got around to cards this year but was so happy to get yours. I made cinnamon rolls for you last Saturday but when you didn't stop by I let the kids eat them... Have a wonderful New Year and if you are ever up this way let me know and I'll make cinnamon rolls for you! (you can check out my blog at
