Monday, April 20, 2009

spring break in Lake Tahoe

The last day I took Megan and Dallin ice skating at the outdoor skating rink. It was definitely a sight to be seen. Dallin was a mess of scrambling little legs as he tried his best to stay upright--but couldn't even stand up. Megan did quite well and even tried to skate backwards and do spins. Eventually Dallin got the hang of it and was very proud of himself for not giving up.

For our second week of spring break we decided to go to Lake Tahoe to do some spring skiing. We stayed in a condo a mile away from the biggest ski resort in Tahoe. It was so big that some of the runs were in Nevada and some in California. Madison and Bryce have become pretty good skiers and are much faster that Tom and I. I think that I've just become much more cautious. Bryce really loves moguls and Maddi loves to go as fast as she can. We went down the Olympic downhill run which didn;t impress her at all!! We each took turns babysitting Megan and Dallin back at the condo. They had a great time playing with toys all day and didn't even get out of their pajamas. They loved the huge jacuzzi tub. Each day when we got home Tom took them out for some snow play which they loved.

1 comment:

  1. I loved catching up with your blog. I love all the pictures and the fun explanations. We have Sea World passes as well. Ours end in would have been so fun to see the show with your family in it! We might have to make a Sea World date :) It would be so great to see you guys.
    I love all of Dallin's costumes, I would have never got In and Out employee though. What a fun personality! Also love the bubble bath photos, looks like they are having the time of their life! Hope all is going well.
